
Moving often signifies a “fresh start.” Regardless of how you frame it, moving is a massive change. Sometimes a move takes us to unfamiliar places; other times, moving lands us not too far from where we currently call home. As the new year approaches, you can use moving as a time to put in place some new ways of doing things. 

Here are some resolutions to consider as you move into the new year.


Moving into a new home with less is always helpful. When packing for your move, use this time to donate what you no longer need. Shop second-hand for items you may want for your new home. Think thrift stores, consignment shops, or even online platforms such as Offer Up or Mercari. Fill your home with things that give you life and remove things that only take up space. 

Plan It Out 

There are things that need to be handled both pre and post-move. Prior to moving, make sure you set aside time to complete important tasks like a change of address, notifying your financial institution, and registering your vehicle. Once you’ve arrived, unpacking can be a daunting task. If you don’t prioritize the time to unpack everything, you may just find this task lingering around months later.  

It will also help if you familiarize yourself with your new town via the internet. See what you can do online to save yourself time and hassle. 

Prioritize Your Health

Pack your kitchen essentials separately so they are easy to access upon moving in. To avoid the fast-food trap, you can try a subscription food delivery service like Hello Fresh or Home Chef for the first few weeks until you are settled. Locate a gym or fitness center to try out and begin connecting with people in your new area. 

Cut the Clutter

Clutter can quickly pile up once you have moved. Create systems for things before you have an opportunity to get overwhelmed. For example, use baskets to house loose shoes by the door. Get a filing shelf for incoming mail and documents, group like with like on trays or other organizational caddy’s to give yourself a streamlined start to the year. 

Safety First

Before you worry too much about the decor side of moving, make sure you have handled priority items like new batteries in fire detectors, locating your fire extinguisher, and carbon monoxide detectors. Consider a radon test kit and ensure the vents and ducts behind your dryer are free of lint and other debris, as this is a surprising cause of many fires. Replacing your air vents and duct cleaning are other considerations. 

Instill Good Habits

This may look like figuring out a cleaning schedule. It’s easy to go hard when you first move in, but then you get caught up with everything else going on. Try implementing a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule for your home. Make life easier for yourself by having a cleaning caddy that conveniently carries all your supplies with you throughout the house. 

Be conscientious about the resources you use. Use LED light bulbs, purchase low-flow showerheads, cultivate a drought-tolerant landscape, and always be mindful of your AC and heater settings–especially if you’re not home. 

As your new chapter begins, perhaps you’ll take some of these ideas with you. 

For any of your moving, relocating, packing, or storage needs, reach out to Elite Moving and one of our experts can offer you a free quote!